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The rapid growth of knowledge in basic scientific principles and their applications to respiratory medicine has resulted in the establishment of many scientific symposiums and workshops concentrating on different aspects of pulmonary science and clinical medicine. As clinicians, numerous diseases and illnesses affecting and influencing thoracal organ are frequently found in daily practices. Various range of diseases from mild to severe, complicated and critical, would require immediate care and comprehensive multidisciplinary approach.
Internal medicine as the mother of medicine consists of 12 science divisions that includes respiratory and critical care medicine. Difficult and challenging cases in respiratory and critical care medicines that involve multisystem and multiorgan require a holistic approach. A team of clinicians that range from consultants, specialists and general practitioners, would need to gather together to look into critical care medicine problems. Scientific forums would facilitate medical practitioners, scientists and researchers to share and update one another with new information and knowledge.
The Jakarta International Chest and Critical Care Internal Medicine (JICCIM) is a scientific forum that enable those in the related field to gather and educate each other about their knowledges, findings, and approaches in their various expertise. This annual symposium and workshop is held by Respirology and Critical Illness Division, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangukusumo Hospital. Following the success of the previous JICCIM, the upcoming conference will be held June 9th–11th, 2023, Jakarta. World class medical practitioners and academicians will provide and share clinical expertise in Respirology and Critical care.
JICCIM 2023 aims to address advances and updates in Respirology and Critical Care, covering topics from theoretical to practical issues and applications. During the conference, a forum will be held for medical practitioners, researchers, and nurses in academic and medical practice. They will be required to present their most updated clinical theories, skills, research results, and development activities in all aspects of Respirology and Critical Care. This event will also provide opportunity for participants
to exchange and share experiences and new ideas thus establishing network and research with global partners for future collaborations.
This event will highlight cutting edge issues and new technologies that are important to all practitioners in the field. Unique cases will be presented in the Grand Rounds with reading materials, and displays will be made available for participants to browse through.
We aim for this event to improve the knowledge and skills of all participating physicians in managing critically ill patients with multiorgan disturbances, in hope to improve the competence and qualification of the Indonesian’s Internal Medicine physicians also to increase the patient’s faith and trust.
A total estimation of 1000 participants (virtual + offline) is expected (Comprising of: General Practitioners, Specialists, Specialist Consultants, and Healthcare Providers).
Divisi Respirologi dan Penyakit Kritis KSM Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 Jakarta
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